Thursday, July 26, 2012

Goodbye Guatemala

In just 4 hours, I'll be flying back to the US, saying goodbye to my summer adventures in Guatemala. Yesterday, I went to the CDC GAP office for the last time. After presenting my project to the office, I was  surprised by an amazing apple cake and flowers. It was the perfect ending and so incredibly thoughtful!

My final meal was at Casa Chapina in Zona 10, which serves traditional Guatemalan food. I finally tried the national dish, pepián. And then I spent the night packing.

Now, I am writing this final blog post from Guate. But don't worry...I'll still blog when I get back to the US (whether people read it or not!). Thinking about how to best capture my feelings of leaving and going home, I thought I would make two lists. First, things I'll miss in Guatemala. Second, things I'm excited for back in the US. These lists could go on forever, so I think I'll keep it to 5!

What I'll miss:
1. Awesome scenery...I wake up every morning to volcanoes and lush greenery
2. The weather...I hear it's about 100 degrees back home. here, it's about 75. YIKES! And I also love the afternoon showers.
3. Adventure...every weekend holds something new and each experience is new.
4. Spanish...I feel like I'm reaching a breakthrough in my Spanish just at the time I'm leaving. BOO!
5. The's so awesome to see the influence of Mayan culture everywhere you with indigenous clothes and pieces. We definitely have culture back home, but I'll miss the cultural connections to history that are really easy to see here.

What I'm excited for:
1. Friends, family, my dog...enough said
2. Driving...being able to control where I'm going at what time is something that is so underrated.
3. Food...Nanataco, Merritt's, BBQ, blueberries, salad, pancakes, etc.
4. seems like so much has happened in the 7 weeks that I've been gone (engagements, pregnancies, babies growing). I'm excited to be 'involved' again. At the same time, I'm not looking forward to being totally accessible again with my phone.
5. Working out...I've had the opportunity to work out here in Guate at a local gym, but it will be nice to get into a work out routine again including running outside!

That's all for now. See you back stateside tonight!

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