Sunday, August 7, 2011

A New Beginning

In just a few hours I'll be embarking on a new stage in life...medical school! I've spent the last 10 years thinking this day would never happen and here it is, about to be a reality. To keep family and friends in the loop during this experience (and to help me stay sane), I've decided to document my experience through this "new beginning" in a blog. It's my hope you will feel as though you are here with me in this journey. So to begin...

This past weekend UNC provided an opportunity to bond with fellow MS1ers at the Annual Lake Trip. About half of the 170 incoming students made their way an hour outside of Chapel Hill for tubing, water skiing, and general relaxation. The weekend was pretty reminiscent of Meatballs (minus olympiad, Bill Murray, and bad haircuts). I talked with lots of people and discovered my fellow classmates are amazing. Not only do they have unique experiences, but they are incredibly nice and genuine. And most exciting, there are three other TFA alum in my class!!

Tomorrow, medical school officially begins with orientation. The next post will include all the details from orientation (and better writing).